Showing all 12 results

Walking Into Your Destiny


This journal was designed to push you, motivate you, and ignite you to walk into your God-given Destiny. It is my prayer that you will allow the power of the Holy Spirit to act as the impetus to propel you to greatness! Walk into your destiny my sister!

Majestic Daughters


You are a daughter of the

Most High Sovereign God. You

were chosen to represent the Kingdom

of God for such a time as this. Walk in

Kingdom Authority and Dominion

Power! For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; (II Corinthians 10:4) It’s time for you to come out from amongst them!

I Love Being Me


This is a wonderful adult coloring book with beautiful affirmations intertwined throughout the lovely artistic designs, This therapeutic art exercise is sure to relieve stress, while making you feel good at the same time.

Brothers Embracing Their Destiny


This workbook was created to help men reach their next level and embrace their destiny. It is time to break the cycle of defeat! This new season in your life calls for a new you! Walk in your destiny!

A Prayer Journal For Women


This Prayer Journal was written for women who have been walking in defeat, but feel there is more to life than what their current situation reflects. It is time to break the cycle of defeat for such a time as this! This new season calls for a new you! Pray your way to victory!

Adult Coloring Book


Forget about your worries…Forget about your cares, as you color yourself calm. These beautiful naturalistic scenes were created to help you do just that. It is so relaxing and therapeutic to color these beautiful floristic designs. Tranquility and peace are my gift to you in this exquisitely designed adult coloring book.


Manifest My Mission


This Master Planner is for a Boss who is building her empire with the Word of God as her foundation. It is a daily, weekly, and monthly organizer. It is for a Bold Beautiful Woman who is ready to take her life and her dreams to the next Level!

My Amazing Alphabet Book


This book is for little ones who are fascinated with learning the alphabet. It is a coloring book with uppercase and lowercase alphabets with pictures. It even has a tracing page at the end so that the little ones can practice writing their letters correctly.

Praying 90 Days of Gratitude


This Gratitude Journal was written for women who have been walking in defeat, but feel there is more to life than what their current situation reflects. It is time to stop the negative self-talk and end the self-sabotage that has been running rampant for far too long. It is time to rid yourself of excess baggage and walk in total victory!

Sisters Embracing Their Destiny


This workbook was created to help women reach their next level and embrace their destiny, using their God given talents. It is time to break the cycle of defeat! This new season calls for a new you! Pray your way to victory! Walk in your destiny!

The Preservation of Sisterhood



And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  2 Corinthians 9:8

Vision Journal for Women


This Vision Journal was written for women who feel stuck to help catapult them to greatness. We must speak God’s Word over every area of our lives in order for our God-Given visions to manifest. Starting right now…Starting today…Decree and declare God’s Word over every area of your life!